Proposed Committees

MBECUDA comprises some specialised committees which have been proposed from the start, but can be modified if need arises. These commitees include:


Members of the Specialized Committees shall be proposed by the President General and approved by the ELT. Committee heads or coordinators, shall in consultations with the initial proposed members coopt new members into the committee on an ad-hoc (short-term) or permanent basis, as the case may be

Scope of Work

The overall idea here is to tackle the development of the village from a holistic or integral approach.Holistic or integral development requires expertise in multidisciplinary domains that members of the executive may not have. It is therefore of import here to solicit additional hands from Mbei sons and daughters across the world who have the requires competencies, talents and expertise needed. With this in mind, below is a cliché of the scope of work we assigned to the aforementioned specialized committees.

The Cultural Committee

In the Short-term, the Cultural Committee will mobilize all MBECUDA branches and quarters in the village to organize an annual festival in the Palace (village or Yaounde). The occasion will be used to showcase Mbei culture in all its facets: traditional dances, traditional dishes, language, dressing, bottle dance, etc. A competition between the various branches will be organized and prices awarded.

In the Long-term the committee will design, produce and commercialize a unique traditional regalia that will serve as MBECUDA global uniform. It will also produce and commercialize Mbei traditional and folk music.

Information, Communication and Archives Committee

The information, Communication and Archives (ICA) Committee shall be charged with gathering, collating, treating, sharing and storage any information of impute to the people of Mbei. This will be done through working closely with the Global Executive and all the specialized committees. ICA will be expected to use both social media, online and print media to publish information on the activities of Mbei communities across the globe. Specifically, for print media, a village almanac will be designed, printed, and distributed each year.

Education Committee

The main role of the educational committee is to provide free educational and career orientation to interested Mbei students, facilitate access to quality education both at home and abroad, motivate excellent performance through the award of prices to meritorious students and scholarships to needy students.

Health Committee

The Health Committee shall conduct health promotional activities that benefit, especially residents of the village, provide orientation and guidance to patients upon request, support Mbei sons and daughters with free medication and medical equipment when available, and contribute in the payment of medical bills, as necessary and feasible.

Finance Committee/Catalyst Group

The finance committee will organize and manage all MBECUDA fund raising activities and render accounts concerning the amount collected and how the funds have been used. The committee will also assist in all areas where financial expertise is needed, including budgeting for projects, monitoring expenses and conducting internal audits.

Water Supply and Environmental Protection

For close to two decades now, vegetable gardening has been the number one source of household income for most families in replacement of Arabica coffee. Unfortunately, the destruction of coffee farms has also led to the cutting down of the fruit trees. The few forests we used to have especially at Tarreh have also been sacrifice. Wetlands and waterways have been cultivated in addition to the ever increasing needs of the vegetable crops giving rise to a rapid depletion in surface and underground water. This committee will therefore be charged with designing a water supply project for the entire village from the few catchments still available while also embarking on an intensive sensitization campaign for tree planting.

Small and Medium Size Enterprise Development

This committee’s assignment is to increase employment for are youths through vocational training and provision of startup capital and mentorship

Constitutional and Legal Affairs

The constitutional affairs committee is expected to propose constitutional amendments cognizant of the unity and togetherness of Mbei sons and daughters irrespective of the branches and sub groups (women and youth) to which they belong. Secondly, it is imperative to have a legal instrument that is binding in terms to the promotion of peace, law and order.

Design, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting of Projects

There are prospects for MBECUDA to solicit funding from national and international donors for some of our projects. For this to happen and become a successful venture, we need are team of experts that are versed with donor requirements as concerns project design, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. This committee will also be charged with ensuring that every single dollar that is disbursed for the realization of projects in Mbei is properly accounted for.

Women's Empowerment

The Women’s empowerment committee will work towards ensuring the protection of the rights of the girl child, widows and orphans within the Mbei community. The committee will empower the target population through sensitization campaigns and regular visitation and gifts to the elderly and lonely. Vocational training opportunities will also be explored in the long-term, including the creation of an empowerment center. Another long-term plan is to work with towards constituting a full-fledged women’s wing of MBECUDA.

Youth Development

Thankfully, are youth are already mobilized to a certain extent and this cuts across age groups, place of residence, educational and professional background and well as status. While commending the efforts already made, it is crucial that all Mbei youths are fully aware of the vision and road map expressed here and how they can contribute. The long-term plan is to work with towards constituting a full-fledged youth wing of MBECUDA.